Life is like a grapefruit

The US Election VP debate

I’m trying to think of what to write about the VP debate I watched this morning, but I want to avoid writing what other people around the world will put far more eloquently than I.

I’m taking a greater interest in the US election this year than I have in any previous year. Mostly, this is because I’m moving there in a few weeks (on election day, no less) but also because I feel it is getting better or clearer coverage with the online technologies that have really matured in the last four years.

My conclusion from the debate must be taken alongside my limited knowledge of the history of these candidates. I have based my assessment on how the candidates communicated and discussed their points, as well as the content of their arguments.

I am left with the feeling that Biden is self-assured with a demeanour that suggests a wealth of experience and an inherent honesty, while Palin has been very well coached on how to solidify her party’s core demographic, but comes across as insincere through her efforts to appear to be a simple character.

Given the role of the vice-president, I am left hoping that I arrive in a US in which Biden is the successful candidate.

Posted on 2008/10/03 in personal | Leave a comment

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